2016 Marketing Playbook | Trends and Advice Part I: Online Video

Written By Ryan

youtube-logo-full_colorThe New Year has bloomed, and it’s that time again… Pundits and prognosticators in every industry are making their predictions for coming year.
After spending the holiday week with my family, enduring my stepdad’s 24hr-a-day obsession with the Squawk on the Street, I’m full of enough stock tips to take over Wall Street!
So here I am jumping on the prediction bandwagon! WEEEE!!! (That’s my bandwagon glomming exclamation.)

Welcome to the 2016 Marketing Playbook!

The 2016 Marketing Playbook is my two cents on the small business marketing trends to keep in mind for coming year. And this marks the first of month long series of posts full of advice on how to maximize your marketing in 2016.
Evolve or Die
While the core definition of marketing – Anything and Everything you do to make and keep a customer – remains the same, strategies, tactics and technology are constantly evolving. To keep pace, keep your business growing and your bank account flush with cash, you’ve gotta keep up-to-date with the latest marketing trends and tools.
Toward that end, here’s the first of my hot takes on the Top Marketing Tools of 2016…

Online Video Marketing is Poised to EXPLODE Next Level!

Yeah, yeah I know online video is by NO MEANS a new trend. But until very recently I just wasn’t sold on the medium. All that’s changed now (evolve or die, right?) And here’s why…
The best written marketing content, whether delivered via your website, email marketing or social media, can communicate loads of personality. But the same content delivered in a video literally comes to LIFE (in living color). The content’s personality is magnified X10.
And here’s the dirty little secret about video marketing: Even less-than-the-best marketing content can really come to life on video. Shining up some lesser gems to a HIGH GLOSS.
The Proof is in the Putting (or the Pudding?): Some Examples…
Online marketing consultant, Amy Schmittauer, and copywriting coach, Nikki Edledge Brown, both use online video as their primary marketing vehicles. And both, in Amy’s words, have built “killer brand awareness” with their captivating videos.
Check out Amy’s video’s here and Nikki’s video’s here.
But Here’s the Catch…
There’s always a catch, right? Of course. And here it comes. Dim, low-light filmed affairs with incomprehensible audio delivered in a dull monotone will kill the shine on even flawless 50 krat South African Diamond caliber content.
This means you need to invest a pinch or two (or three) of time and effort into the process. Either do some research, learn some basic techniques, and practice (yes in the words of former NBA great, Allen Iverson, we’re “talkin’ ‘bout practice!?”). Or, if all that sounds just plain horrible, hire someone to help.
Some Good News on the Video Production Front
For the DIY inclined among you, do-it-yourself video isn’t that tough. Thanks to the proliferation of user-friendly video technology it’s easier than ever to create quality video content.
All you need is…

  • A smartphone (Android or iPhone)
  • Basic tripod (inexpensive Amazon purchase)
  • Lavalier mic (another inexpensive Amazon purchase)
  • Well-lit room (natural light, AKA sunlight, being the best option)
  • And a quick review of the basic tenets of public speaking from you high school speech class (Remember that one? You made speeches how gross the cafeteria green beans were and how Beverly Hills 90210 was the best show in the history of TV. Or was that just me…?)

And if DIY just isn’t your thing…
Hiring some help is easy and relatively inexpensive. You can find a plethora of local semi-pro (which is all you really need with today’s tech) practitioners on Craigslist more than capable of doing a stellar job. Remember, this ain’t network TV. It just has to look decent and communicate your personality.

A Few More Important Tips on Making Great Online Videos…

In addition to the production, how you structure and deliver your content often spells the difference between a captivated audience and viewers who click away with board indifference in mere seconds.
Get To the Point STRAIGHT AWAY!
If nobody sees your video, it’s not gonna do you any good, huh? (NOPE!)
Well studies show that 90% of video consumers start to lose interest after the first 100 seconds. So make sure your video gets to the point STRAIGHT AWAY (in the words of my 4yr old son, Ivan).
Keep it SHORT
If the MAJORITY of your audience is waning or disappearing after 100 seconds, there’s zero point in droning on for very long. The most impactful (is that even a word?) videos are quick and concise.
Stick With ONE Idea
Best way to keep it short and hold your audiences’ attention? Limit each video to just one idea. Don’t try to jam in 27 different concepts that you can’t possible communicate in a quick and concise manner..
Skip the HARD SELL
Guess what NO ONE wants to see? A video of you speaking in gross hyperbole about the magnificence of your services and demanding viewers ACT NOW.
Instead, stick with explaining how your services can help solve your prospects problems and fulfill their needs. It’s a WINNING formula.

Here’s a little Secret of My Own…

I’m going to experiment with Video this year, too. So you’ll get to ride along and witness all of my bloopers and blunders as I stumble my way through mastering this new medium. Get ready for some laughs!

Any Thoughts About Online Video Marketing?

I’d love to hear your two cents, too. Drop me a line on my Google+ page.

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