Want more + better clients? Prospecting is the K-E-Y!

Written By Ryan

More and better clients are something we ALL pine for, no?
Of course!
And if anything is a worthy goal in 2018 (which is already slipping away…), reeling in more and better clients would be it, huh?
You betcha!

 == > To clarify, by “better clients,” I’m talkin’ about “ideal clients.” The type who are a glove-like fit for your core services, don’t balk at your prices, and are a genuine joy to work with.

But as worthwhile a pursuit as this might be, such clients are total UNICORNS, right??? I mean, how can you possibly find these sort of magical beasts in the wild?
One word covers it all: Prospecting.
I even invented an acronym that encapsulates the prospecting process: K-E-Y…
-YOUR ideal client pool
Dunno about you, but I LOVE acronyms!  == > Sorry this one is so crappy: —(Never said I was GOOD crafting acronyms; —)
Anyway, if the term “prospecting” has you wondering, “like panning for gold? Somewheres off in the Klondike?”
Well, sort of. Only the gold you seek are the aforementioned “ideal clients.”
In short, prospecting is the practice of searching out, making contact and nurturing relationships with your ideal client. And this happens when you leverage the right combination active pursuit + “gathering” tools.
Now, if phrases like “active pursuit” give that crushing feeling of: “Oh great, MORE WORK,” don’t get knickers in too big a bunch. With some targeted effort and a few handy tools, prospecting can be efficient, painless, and lucrative.
And toward that end, here are four tools you should be taking full advantage of to pan for some of that “ideal client” gold…

1. CRM

An acronym (you know how I LOVE those acronyms!) for Customer Relations Management, CRM is the ULTIMATE prospective tool! Jumping aboard the CRM train is also one of my key recommendation for improving your marketing in 2018.
Why come? Because CRM software platforms make tracking prospects (from hot leads to cold calls) and existing clients (who are prime candidates for repeat business) easy, peezy, lemon-squeezy (as my 6-year-old son, Ivan, says ;—).
You can go from dashboard level overview to granular, minute-by-minute analysis of every potential new client + possible repeat business opportunity you’ve got in the hopper. And, most importantly, keep a close eye on where they are in your sales cycle.
Suffice it to say, if you’re not already in the CRM game, 2018 is the year to jump in!

2. Warm Email Prospecting

I didn’t event this concept, or its clever, colloquial name.
Nope, this awesome tool is the brainchild of famed copywriter, author, and prospecting coach, Ed Gandia. The bright gent that he is, Ed has used this method to rake in hundreds of thousands of dollars fo revenue over the course of his career. And taught the method to students, whose cumulative revenue probably rank in the multi-million dollar range.
Anyway, enough with the build up. Here’s how warm email prospecting works…
Imagine you come across an IDEAL candidate for your services. And let’s say you’ve worked with a competitor or similar business.
Shoot this prospect a quick email spouting something like…

“Hey, I can help you with… [insert elevtor pitch here]. In fact, I recently worked with [insert competitor or similar business here] and acheived phenomenal results. Actually, the guy was sooooo pleased, he’s gifting me his first born son. Believe IT!
And here’s a sample of the work I did…
If you’re interested, let’s chat!”

Obviously, this is a UUUUUUUUUUUGE oversimplification. But hopefully, you get the idea. And, warm email prospecting, as noted above, is highly effective, not to mention exceptional lucrative, prospecting tool.

3. Bone Up on Your LinkedIn Game

As a hilariously smart-mouth client recently noted…
“LinkedIn is like Facebook… Except, everybody’s there to MAKE MONEY!”
And that about sums it up.
But while LinkedIn is far more a networking tool than social media platform, it’s also a STELLAR prospecting tool.
Think about, LinkedIn is chock full of solid prospects! But most people, especially small business owners (perhaps you included?), don’t take advantage of the opportunities LinkedIn lays at your fingertips.
To remedy this criminal negligence, here are a couple of tips to help you wring more quality leads out of your LinkedIn profile:
Create a client facing profile — Above your job experience, LinkedIn gives ample space to post a profile.
Kind of like a cover letter, this area is meant for a preamble to your practical work experience.
It’s also the PERFECT place to entice your ideal prospects to investigate your biz.
PR whiz and professional LinkedIn coach, John Nemo, recommends you crafting a “client facing profile” that SPEAKS specifically to fulfilling your ideal client’s needs. Sign up for John’s email list, and get his FREE ebook all about how to craft a KILLER client facing profile.
Upgrade to a Premium (paid) account — You get the first 30 days free, but you may discover the benefits more than justify the $30 per month price tag.
LinkedIn offers a few different account types, but Sales Navigator is the ticket for prospecting! Sales Navigator facilitates detailed, granular prospect research, and offers more focused, higher priority communication tools that allow you to readily connect with ideal clients outside your direct network.

4. Create a Lead Magnet

Now, if the phrase “create a lead magnet” has you wondering:”What, are we conducting science experiments over here?!” don’t worry friends, I’m as science adverse as you are!
To clarify, a lead magnet is a valuable reward you offer prospects in exchange for signing up for your email list.
The “magnet” can be a checklist, free report, ebook, or any sort of content — As long as it SPECIFICALLY addresses your ideal client’s dire problems or biggest needs.
And when an ideal prospect hand over their email, you’ve struck GOLD. Now you can get into their inbox and prospect for their business at will!

What Are Some of the Your Most Productive Prospecting Strategies?

These are a fistful of my hottest prospecting tips. But what are some of yours? Swing by my Google page and share!

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