It’s A Tough Marketing Lesson, But Nobody Cares About Your Sh*t…

Written By Ryan

A client of mine is revamping his company’s website. His business is a real estate brokerage + property management firm. Let’s call it “Acme Real Estate.”
The firm’s current website features a popup message that offers email notifications on new property listings in exchange for signing up to their email list.
Kind of an outdated approach, especially considering most of the listing data is featured in their property emails can easily be found online via a Google search. In other words, no one’s really clamoring for this info.
I suggested replacing this with underwhelming enticement with an offer to download a free white paper outlining the BENEFITS of services they provide to their ideal clients in exchange for signing up to their email list. And to clarify, they already have such a white, so this move wouldn’t require any additional work
Then the client forwarded me a link to a promotional website for new retail development under construction in his neighborhood. Let’s call the development: The Village.
Now, The Village is being built by an uber-successful developer. His firm has developed some of the most success retail and mixed-use properties in Southern California. And understandably, there’s a lot of buzz surrounding the project.
Given that The Village is going up in my client’s proverbial backyard, he’s been eager for details about the project’s grand opening. So, he visited the new development’s promotional website, which opened with a popup message perfectly pitched to area residents: “Sign up and be the first to know what’s happening at The Village!”
At that moment, a light bulb lite up in my clients head…
“Hey, couldn’t we do the same on our website? Just replace ‘The Village’ with Acme Real Estate!” He asked me, clearly excited at the prospect.
“Sure, you could do that,” was my reply, “But it’s not likely to help you gain any new subscribers.”
“Why not? he asked, his enthusiasm deflating.

“Because: But Nobody Cares About Your Sh*t”

Actually, even though that’s what I was thinking, I explained it a bit more diplomatically…
“Sure, some of the residents living in your area are bound to be interested in a huge new retail development being constructed by an eminently successful developer smack dab in the middle of their backyard.
But are your ideal clients really hot to be: “The first to know what’s happening with Acme Real Estate?”
Highly, highly doubtful.

What Do Your Prospects REALLY Care About?

Your would-be clients have exactly one thing on their minds: Can you solve my problem?
In the example of Acme Real Estate, their ideal client needs help to effectively manage their properties and related real estate transactions because they don’t have the time or expertise to handle it on their own.
Which begs the question, how does being: “The first to know what’s happening with Acme Real Estate!” help solve their ideal client’s problem?
Answer: It DOESN’T

Marketing’s Biggest Pitfall… The “HEY, look At ME! Look At ME!” Syndrome

YOU are interested in your business. YOU think it’s great. And YOU want your prospective clients to know how great YOU think your business is, too.
Meanwhile, your prospects don’t care a lick about you or your business. They only care about what you can DO FROM THEM.
This just might be the hardest of all marketing lesson to learn… But one every business owner must come to terms with.
And the most important takeaway from this harsh tutorial?
Your marketing messaging, from top to bottom, must be focused on: How you solve your ideal client’s problems.

Why Should Your Ideal Client Hire You?

Let’s try an experiment. Explain why your ideal client should hire you in three sentences or less (and less is DEFINITELY more here. In fact, if you can do it in one sentence, even better! Keeping mind, your clients are desperately seeking a tight, focused resolution to their problems.)
And in case you’re shy or looking for a little direction, I’ll go first…
My ideal client should hire me? Because I write marketing content that attracts more and better-quality prospects to their business and converts those prospects into paying customers.
Take a gander at my website Home page, and you’ll find that’s exactly what it says.
Now it’s your turn. See what you can come up with and share your results on my Google+ page. See you there – CHEERS!

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