Ryan Anys | Freelance Copywriter

So It's a Brand New Year… Evaluated Your Marketing Platforms Lately?

Written By Ryan

The calendar year has turned over yet again. It just keeps happening, year after year after year…
Kind of predictable that way, huh? LOLZ ;—)
Meanwhile, the dawn of a brand new year is a time of reflection and anticipation. It often prompts a look at the year gone by. And turns an eye toward the year to come.
In growing your business, there are no shortage of important considerations to keep in mind, for example…
There are a lot of things in business, especially in small business land, that are “set and forget.”
This particularly true when it comes to marketing.
I mean, when was the last time you took a good, hard look at your marketing platforms?
Moreover, when did you last consider implementing a new tactic?
Now, I’m not a gambling man by nature. But that said, I’m willing to wager it’s been a while since you addressed anything on either front.
Well, as we’ve already established, it’s brand-spankin’ new year! So, how ’bout you dig into a Marketing Evaluation?
How exactly does a Marketing Evaluation work? Follow along for instructions…

Step One: Inventory Your Marketing Platforms

Where are you marketing your biz?
== > Website…
== > Social media pages…
== > Email campagins…
== > Direct mail campaigns…
== > Brochures…
== > Print ads…
== > What else?
These are just some example ideas. The point is to make a comprehensive list of your marketing platforms.

Step Two: Review Each Platform

Now that you’ve compiled a list, take a gander and see how things are looking.
As you work your way down the list, here are a few questions to consider:
== > Is the messaging current? Does it reflect where your business is RIGHT NOW?
== > Is the look and feel current? Does your design feel fresh, energetic, and up-to-date with the times?
== > Is your messaging consistent across all your platforms?
== > Is your design consistent across all your platforms?
== > After reviewing all your platforms, does anything else stand out? Anything, whether major or minor, that needs further attention, adjustment, or revision?

Step Three: Make Your Adjustments

What needs adjustment or revision? Messaging? Design? Something larger in your broader approach?
Zero in on the areas that need attention and roll up your sleeves.
But first, ask yourself these questions…
Is this something I should handle on my own?
Or should I hire a pro?
In formulating your answer, consider the questions from the perspective of…
A. Do I have the expertise to do the best job possible?
B. Is handling this task myself the highest and best use of my time?

Step Four: Consider New Tactics

Are there any marketing tactics, whether in your industry or just in general, that have stood out to you lately.
For example, video marketing is UUUUUUUUUUGE right now! Does video make sense for your biz? Have you considered launching a YouTube channel?
Also, LinkedIn has made enormous strides lately. Is your biz well represented there?
Native Video (something most social platforms host now, which allows you to publish video directly to an individual social platform) is very big currently, particularly on LinkedIn. Could this be an effective avenue for your biz?
Again, these are just some ideas. What else has caught your eye that could be a viable marketing opportunity for your business? Think on it a bit.

Step Five: Take Action

If you identify any new tactics that could work for your business, do some research on how to get started.
Can you launch these tactics on your own? Do you need additional equipment or tools (perhaps a video camera that’s a bit more robust than your smartphone)?
Should you hire a pro to help? Or could you take a course and learn on your own?

Now it’s Your Turn…

Take a stab at your own Marketing Evaluation and let me know how you make out on LinkedIn!

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