Ryan Anys | Freelance Copywriter

Low Cost And Free Marketing Marketing Tools to Help Grow Your Business

Written By Ryan

One thing a small business owner has never done?

Looked at their annual budget and said… “I have waaaaay too much money to spend on marketing!”

Of course, this tongue and cheek jest speaks to a hard but true fact: For most small businesses, the “small” aspect of your business extends to your budget.

Fortunately, there are plenty of low-cost and even free marketing tools available to small businesses these days.

So, if you’re looking to spur legit growth for your business on a less than nothing budget, here are five effective marketing strategies you should consider…

Using PR to Get Media Coverage For Your Business

PR — AKA Public Relations — is the practice of developing relationships with publication editors and pitching them “newsworthy” story ideas that also happen to feature (and thereby promote) your business.

And while it’s true there are fewer traditional publications nowadays, especially serving smaller, local markets, there is a proliferation of online media outlets. In particular, there is an ever-increasing number of trade-specific online web magazines and news sites. And many of these operations are RAVENOUS for content.

Here are a few pointers on how to nab some PR for your biz….

  • Identify local and relevant media outlets — Do a little research and find which local and trade publications (off or online) cover your area and industry, and contact these publications’ editors.
  • START the relationship with reciprocity — In other words, don’t immediately pitch an overtly self-promoting story idea; instead, ask the editors what kinds of stories they’re looking to cover and inquire as to how you can help contribute to those stories.
  • With the editors’ directives in mind, pitch newsworthy stories — Meaning don’t submit a press release that’s little more than a shameless promo pitch. If you want to get published, find a newsworthy angle that encompasses the type of stories the editors are looking for while also positioning your business as an important player in the story (not necessarily the focus).

Consistently Updating Your Business Blog

Blogs are no longer a novel concept. And many in the business world have begun to dismiss their value as an effective marketing tool.

This take, however, is TOTALLY misguided! And here’s why…

  • Your blog is your very own PR outlet. You can release “breaking news” about new services and high-profile new account acquisitions.
  • Your blog can help position you as a subject matter expert and an important voice in your niche, ultimately establishing you as a thought leader in your industry.
  • If your search engine optimized (SEO) your blog content with relevant keywords and consistently publish new updates on topics your ideal clients are searching for, you can help improve your website’s search engine ranking in Google and other popular search engines.*
  • Publishing evergreen content (articles on common subjects often inquired about) helps establish a library of easily referable resources. For example, let’s say a prospect or client asks a question about a common topic of concern. You can forward a link to a blog post that explains the subject in detail — thereby initiating a dialog that could lead to new business.

*How Blogging Can Improve Your Website’s SEO

  • Publishing informational updates and how-to advice relevant to your prospects and clients can help drive parties searching for that content to your website.
  • Publishing your take on important industry happenings is a form of “news-jacking,” which can also drive search traffic to your site.
  • Blog content is “sharable,” meaning it can be shared on your social platforms and broadcast to your email list, which also drives traffic back to your website.

It is true, however, that a poorly managed blog is an effective market tool. To avoid this fate and maximize your blogging efforts, you need to…

  • Publishing consistent updates
  • Publishing meaningful content relevant to your ideal clients
  • Publishing strategic content (For example… Let’s say you’re an accountant, and tax season is approaching. Strategic content would be a post entitled 5 Mistakes to Avoid When Preparing For Tax Season that focuses on how working with an account simplifies the tax process and closes with a call to action inviting readers to contact you for additional advice and support).

Stay Active And Engaged on Social Media

Similar to your blog, your business’s social media pages can serve as another PR outlet. You can share the same type of content, including links to your blog with more in-depth and detailed info. And your updates can be shared by your followers, further extending your reach.

But social media, like any other marketing tool, has its quirks. Here’s how to make the most of your social media marketing efforts…

  • Update consistently — This ensures you’ll always be in your prospects and clients’ feeds, and when a prospect or client lands on your page, they won’t be taken aback by the fact that you’ve only posted five updates in the last three years.
  • Share relevant content — No one wants to hear about the latest Kim Kardashian gossip from their CPA.
  • Engage with your followers — Always remember, social media is NOT a one-way broadcast tool. It’s a  communications platform meant to foster conversation (“social” is. after all, in the platform title…).

Leverage Micro-Influencers

When most folks hear “influencer,” they think of reality show vixens or bucksome young women shaking their ample heinies on Instagram.

Meanwhile, an “influencer” is anyone who wields “influence.”

So, let’s say you have a client who’s the well-known owner of a successful business in your area. In your marketplace, this gal is an influencer. And if she publicly praises your business, she’s “micro-influencing” your prospect-base.

Turn Satisfied Clients Into Evangelists

Taking care of your customers is paramount to the success of any business. Taking outstanding care of exceptionally satisfied customers can turn them from mere clients into boosters that publicly boast about the benefits of your business.

By way of an analogy, consider online reviews. The majority are either 1-star or 5-star. In other words, customers post reviews to either bitch about what a terrible job you did or gush about how fantastic you were.

There’s little middle ground. And most folks ignore the middle ground. Because online reviews-readers are trying to sort out the bad from the good.

Thus, when your efforts have earned a client’s complete satisfaction, strongly encourage them to sing your praises as loud and as often as possible.

Need Help Making The Most of Your Marketing Efforts?

Effectively managing your marketing is the key to maximizing your results. Not sure where to start or need help to get rolling? I can help! Let’s chat… 310.466.7893 | ryan@ryananys.com

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