Ryan Anys | Freelance Copywriter

Why Likeability Trumps All in Marketing

Written By Ryan

My 10yr old son, Ivan, takes group tennis lessons at public courts close to where we live in nearby Beverly Hills.

Not sure he’s all that into it. He doesn’t really practice outside of his lessons. In part, because we don’t have a tennis court, yet ;—) And because booking private time on the public courts is freakin’ fortune!? (That’s Beverly Hills for ya.) But regardless, it gets him out and active and doing something other than starring at his Nintendo Switch far too deeply engaged in yet another Fortnite match.

Meet Tad, The Magnetic Tennis Pro

Anyway, every week as I walk Ivan through the tennis complex to his lesson, we pass a line of courts filled with players. Some are enjoying a game. And others are students in private or group training with tennis pros.

And among this latter group, one instructor stands out from the other coaches. Not sure what his name is, but let’s call him Tad (because that sounds like a tennis instructor’s name. Although, he looks more like a Thad, which, I guess, is a good name for a tennis pro, too, huh?)

So, Tad is clearly a very knowledgeable coach. He’s quick with insightful observations and expert advice. And he applies it all with a firm instruction when called for, while also sprinkling in a generous share of velvety coated of confidence-boosting compliments.

Of course, expert knowledge and a supportive bedside manner are reasonable expectations for any tennis coach. But beyond these baseline attributes, Tad is obviously a warm, winning, and magnetic figure.

He’s Like the Mayor of the Beverly Hills Recreational Tennis Center

Tad’s constantly engaged by other patrons strolling down the courtside walkway. And he effortlessly dovetails his coaching with friendly, sharp-witted batter among the many passers-by.

In short, He’s like the Mayor of the Beverly Hills Recreational Tennis Complex. And this status is apparent to even casual observers like myself.

Moreover, Tab’s signup sheet for lessons and group training (conveniently posted outside the pro shop) is constantly overflowing, usually with twice as many students as his fellow instructors.

All of which says to me… While Tad’s a solid coach, his likeability sets him apart. Folks wanna work with him because, more than a good coach, Tad’s a fun, friendly, and engaging guy.

Sally Hogshead’s Research Underscores the Marketing Value of Likeability

My assessment of Tab is echoed by marketing maven and bestselling author Sally Hogshead in her smash hit book Fascinate: How To Make Your Brand Irresistible.

In the boatload of research Sally assembled for the book, she discovered prospects are overwhelming more inclined to work with businesses they like.

Factors like expertise, price, and even perceptions of competence were all overshadowed by likeability. According to consumer survey data, less established, more expensive, and less highly rated businesses beat out competitors because would-be customers liked them better.

What’s the Marketing Lesson Here?

Marketing messaging tends to focus on expertise and accomplishments.

Take a quick look at ten websites in your industry. Go on, we’ll wait… Undoubtedly, you just “searched up” (as my son refers to Googling) ten businesses touting remarkably similar versions of… “We expertly handle xyz services, and we’ve been serving satisfied clients for umpteen years.”

And while you’re prospects certainly care whether you can do the job they’re looking to hire you for, making a connection is far more apt to influence their decision.

Especially when they’re looking at a long list of options, all boasting the same skills and track record.

A fact that makes highlighting your likeability and unique personality in your marketing messaging is of paramount importance.

So, instead of being like everyone else, be the business that has “Never Missed a Call!” or “Always Wishes You a Happy Birthday!” or “Educates clients and prospects alike, regardless of whether you ever work with us.”

Need Help Crafting “Likeable” Marketing Messaging?

Wanna stop “fitting in” and “start standing out?”

That makes you a savvy business owner. And I can help you achieve your goal!

Get in touch at: 310.466.7893 or ryan@ryananys.com

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