Ryan Anys | Freelance Copywriter

How to Build a Sales Funnel For Your Professional Service Business

How to Build a Sales Funnel

Written By Ryan

Ever thought about how would-be clients go from first discovering your business to hiring you? This process is known in marketing terminology as a “sales funnel.” And even if you’re unfamiliar with the concept, you may already be employing a sales funnel in your business.

This is encouraging news because a sales funnel can be a highly productive tool for business growth. Unsurprisingly, however, a sales funnel’s success depends on how well you use it. And when it comes to creating an effective sales funnel, the more thought-out, better organized, and attentively managed your funnel, the higher your sales conversions are apt to be.

So, what exactly is a sales funnel, why does it matter to your business, and how do you create one best suited to connecting with your ideal prospects? Keep reading for the answers to these questions and lots more info on the value of sales funnels!

What is a Sales Funnel?

A sales funnel is a process that charts a prospect’s journey from awareness of your business to hiring you as a professional service provider. It’s called a “funnel” because as prospects move through each stage of the process, their numbers are pared down to the best-qualified potential clients most likely to hire you.

A sales funnel typically includes five initial stages:

  • Awareness
  • Interest
  • Consideration
  • Decision
  • Action
  • Plus, one post-funnel stage, Retention

How Does Each Stage of the Sales Funnel Work?

At the top of the funnel is Awareness. This is where potential customers first become aware of your business. In shopping for professional services, they are most likely to discover you through an ad, whether on or offline, a search engine query, a social media post or a paid ad, a word-of-mouth recommendation, or a direct referral.

Awareness is followed by Interest. In this stage, prospects seek more information about your business and your services. This probably begins with a visit to your website, where they read up on your business and potentially join your email list, usually by signing up for a free lead magnet.

With interest piqued, next comes Consideration: Prospects are now actively evaluating your services and comparing them with alternatives offered by similar providers. This step typically sees prospects exploring the range of services your business offers, reading reviews, or requesting additional information.

Now it’s Decision time. Here, prospects are ready to make an informed decision about whether they want to hire you. They’ll be apt to reach out for clarification on your work process, request details on pricing, and possibly feel out the potential for “negotiating” your fees.

And finally, it’s time to take Action. Your prospect has reached the bottom of the funnel, where they hire you and become a paying client. At this point, pricing and payment terms have been settled, and the working relationship moving forward is officially established.

Technically, the funnel ends here, but many sales funnel outlines include a Retention stage. This covers anything you do to generate repeat business. The process works differently with professional services in comparison to selling consumer goods. As a realtor, for example, you’re not looking to sell more widgets. But it’s nonetheless wise to keep in touch with past clients, anticipating a time when they decide to sell their home and purchase a new residence. Past clients are also an excellent source of referrals, and by keeping in touch, your name remains top of mind should a friend or acquaintance of your client need your services.

How to Create a Sales Funnel For Your Professional Service Business

The question now is… How does this apply to your business? Let’s look at how to put each stage of the process into action.

But before you get started with a sales funnel, it’s critical that you identify your ideal clients and understand their needs and what problems your services solve for them.

Once you’ve homed in on who you’re trying to reach and how you can help them, you’re ready to start your sales funnel!

Creating Awareness

Awareness, AKA getting your name out there, can be accomplished through various means, methods, and channels. In the “good ole days,” this is where advertising was KING. But while ads once appeared in newspapers, magazines, and the Yellow Pages, consumers now primarily shop online.

Promoting awareness online is usually driven by SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SEM (Search Engine Marketing). SEO is the process of “optimizing” your website and blog content by including keywords that correspond to your prospective clients’ search engine inquiries (mainly through Google). SEM usually refers to running pay-per-click ads on search engines (again, mainly Google Ads) that target keywords your clients are searching for and use display ads (typically appearing at the top of search results before the actual organic search results) to drive that search traffic to your website.

Content Marketing is often interwoven with SEO. Blog posts, videos, podcasts, and social media posts employ keywords in content that address your prospective client’s problems and needs. Prospects, if sufficiently engaged, will follow that content back to your website.

Engaging with prospects on social media is another effective tool in raising awareness. Sharing informative content and participating in discussions surrounding your business on social is a proven means to increase your profile and build relationships. All of which can prompt prospects to investigate your business.

Capturing Leads

Now that a would-be client knows who you are, you need their contact information to open a dialog.

If a prospect lands on your website, you have a few options to make contact. The most direct approach is a straightforward Call to Action (CTA): Give us a call, send us an email, hit us up on WhatsApp, etc… to discuss how our services can help you.

Another common approach is offering Lead Magnet. This resource that has value to your prospects, such as a free report, industry white paper, complimentary assessment, etc… provided in exchange for a prospect’s contact information.

Lead Magnets are usually offered through Opt-in Forms (that request a name and email address), strategically placed throughout your website, blog, and social media profiles to capture contact info.

Nurturing Leads

This is the education and keeping touch stage of your sales funnel. In nurturing leads, you’re typically sending emails to prospects (who have opted into your email subscriber list by signing up for a lead magnet or eNewsletter or have otherwise given you permission to contact them) featuring valuable content, special offers, case studies, and testimonials praising the benefits of your services.

Webinars and in-person seminars are also commonly used to educate prospects on the value of your services, demonstrate your expertise, and build trust.

In follow-up to email campaigns and webinars or seminars, lead nurture may extend to direct outreach, including phone calls to prospects to gauge their interest.

Converting Leads into Clients

The conversion stage generally includes scheduling discovery calls with prospects to discuss their needs in more detail while, in turn, illustrating how your services can help solve their problems.

If a discovery call is successful, you may draft a formal proposal outlining the scope of work, deadlines, and fees. Or you may agree to work together and lay out plans to move forward.

You’ll follow up once a proposal is submitted until an agreement is signed and returned. If you’re operating with a verbal agreement, you’ll continue to reach out until the work previously outlined begins.

After the Funnel: Delivering Exceptional Service — The Path to Repeat Business + Referrals

Even after converting a prospect into a paying customer, which is technically the bottom of the funnel, you still have further opportunities. Chiefly, generating repeat business and landing referrals.

It goes without saying that marketing is a promise. And to succeed in your business, you’re obligated not only to deliver on your promises but also to do your best to exceed client expectations. Making good on your promises is the key to building long-term relationships and encouraging referrals.

Need Help Building a Sales Funnel to Grow Your Professional Service Business?

There’s a lot to digest when it comes to building an effective sales funnel. And while you may grasp all the stages and steps required, putting the theory into practice can be daunting. Especially when it comes to creating lead magnets, hosting webinars and seminars, managing email campaigns, and developing supporting marketing collateral.

Fortunately, I can help! Whether you need assistance designing and managing a sales funnel from the ground up (or from top to bottom) or need a hand with lead magnets, webinar content, or other marketing collateral, I have over 25 years of experience developing effective marketing media.

Get in touch for more details: 310.466.7893 | ryan@ryananys.com

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