Ryan Anys | Freelance Copywriter

The Marketing Olympics?

Marketing Olympics

Written By Ryan

Did you get to watch much of the Olympics? Pretty captivating stuff, right? From Team USA’s casual dominance in Basketball to stellar swimmers, sprinters, and gymnasts to target shooters and archers—proving not all elite athletes present as elite athletes.

Anyway, all of this got me thinking… What if there were a Marketing Olympics? Where your success—the events you qualified for and the medals you won—determined the growth and development of your business. And more importantly, what the events you failed to qualify for said about the future of your business.

Whether or not you win a medal in the Olympics is really the icing on the cake. Just to qualify and compete in the games places you among the world’s best in a particular event. So, while winning a medal, especially gold, vaults you into a rarefied upper stratosphere, you are a world-class Olympic athlete, medal or not.

The same could be said about business. In every industry, category, and niche, right down to the particular professional service you provide, there are Marketing Gold Medal winners. But only a fraction achieve medal status. And they’re only capable of handling a sliver of the available business.

The rest of this business mostly falls to the larger group of Olympic-level performers—those who qualified for the Marketing Olympics but didn’t necessarily win a medal. But concern arises for those businesses that fail to qualify.

For example, a business with a Gold Medal-winning website generates tons of traffic, captures plenty of qualified leads, and likely converts a solid number of sales. The rest of the Olympic-level performers aren’t trailing too far behind, raking all the prospects the Gold Medalists don’t have the capacity to take on.

But all those businesses whose websites fail to even qualify for the Marketing Olympics are missing out and probably falling further and further behind, as their Olympic-level counterparts swallow up a growing number of the available prospects.

Of course, your website is just one event in the Marketing Olympics. Email marketing, social media presence, PR and promotions, advertising, and other avenues are equally important. And if your business isn’t qualifying for these events either, your competitors are ahead of you.

All of which begs the question…

Do You Need Help Marketing Your Business?

I’m here to support your Marketing Olympics aspirations in the following events…

Websites – New launches, site redesigns, and content updates.

Business blogging – Which establishes you as an industry authority and helps improve your website search engine ranking.

Email marketing – Writing content and designing emails for lead generation, eNewsletters, updates and announcements, and other prospect nurture campaigns.

Social media marketing – Helping establish your presence and increasing your reach in the highly active and prospect-rich social media sphere.

Brochures and flyers – Writing and designing collateral for agent and property promotion.

Direct mail campaigns – Writing and designing mailers for agent and property promotion.

PR – Drafting and distributing press releases to media outlets and industry influencers to gain media attention for your business.

Branding – Creating complete brand identities, including logos, color palettes, style guides, mission statements, unique selling propositions, and related content.

When you’re ready to get started…

Get in touch: 310.466.7893 | ryan@ryananys.com

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