Ryan Anys | Freelance Copywriter

Why your competitors are outpacing you…

Written By Ryan

The phrase “make your own luck” feels kind of arrogant.

It has a self-important, self-righteous tone that conjures up an image of smug, smirking so-and-so.
But at the same time, this phrase dovetails perfectly with my favorite definition of luck, which is…

Luck is when Preparation meets Opportunity.

Do you see the synergy in the connection between “making luck” and the intersection of “preparation and opportunity?” Those who are always prepared (and present*) make the most of the opportunities that come their way.
And sure, we can all agree that many “big breaks” come thanks to “who you know.” But if you’re not prepared to make good on those “breaks,” whatever their source, and deliver on the services you provide in a BIG, elite customer stratifying way, those opportunities are 100% WASTED.
*The “presences” aspect of the “making your own luck” equation speaks to this subject from a marketing perspective. Chiefly in that those who “make their own luck” are not only “prepared,” but are also “present” in their marketplace. Or I guess you could make the argument part of their preparation is maintaining a consistent presence.

How does this play out, practically speaking? Well, these folks are consistently busy…

== > Keeping in touch with clients and prospects, not as a “sales strategy” with their hand always out, but as a communication strategy to offer advice and support
== > Always anticipating in trade shows, industry events, relevant business and community gatherings, generally working tirelessly to increase their visibility
== > Running ads in trade and local publications that speak to their marketplace and focus on SOLUTIONS (not merely services)
==  Staying active and visible on social media and other digital forums, where they legitimately present themselves as industry experts
== > Focusing on building their email subscriber list and consistently share valuable content with their subscribers, endearing their audience to them
== > Investing in search engine optimizing their website to improve their Google ranking
== > Commit to consistently publishing content valuable to their prospects and clients
== > Promptly returning calls and emails, sending handwritten thank notes, and exercising RELENTLESS follow up
== > Generously do favors and graciously turning down requests they can’t reasonably accommodate
== > And lots, lots more…
The point being, “making your own luck” isn’t a product of “dumb luck” or solely the result of “who you know’ opportunities.
It’s what happens when Preparation (and, from a marketing perspective, Presence) meets Opportunity.

And guess what?

Your competitors, the ones that much to your chagrin, are dominating your space… They are 100% prepared, present, and taking FULL ADVANTAGE of the opportunities that come their way.

So, the question is: Are you doing the work to make your own luck?

And if not, I can help! So, let’s chat… 310.466.7893 | ryan@ryananys.com

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