4 Steps to an Effective Marketing Budget

4 Steps to an Effective Marketing Budget

Now, if you’re like most small business owners in the professional services game, when you hear the phrase: “Marketing Budget” you probably burst out laughing (and maybe even cry a little bit inside, too). In the small business realm, high falutin...
Why Culture COUNTS in Business + Marketing

Why Culture COUNTS in Business + Marketing

Dunno about you, but I subscribe to an abundance of email lists. A move that lands countless emails newsletters in my inbox on the regular. Some come daily. While other arrive weekly (like the newsletter you’re reading right now ;—). Still, others show up...
A Midsummer's Marketing Audit

A Midsummer's Marketing Audit

For taxpayers, just the word “audit” is enough to trigger a cold sweat and the nauseous feeling of creeping death in the pit of your stomach. A marketing audit, however, is ENTIRELY different. But the results of such an audit are integral to measuring,...